

spring value # vs $

${...} is the property placeholder syntax. It can only be used to dereference properties.

#{...} is SpEL syntax, which is far more capable and complex. It can also handle property placeholders, and a lot more besides.

Both are valid, and neither is deprecated.

Code Example
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Java :: how to extract decimal vqalue from float in android studio 
Java :: java get distinct values from list 
Java :: jackson object to string 
Java :: change text color in joptionpane 
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Java :: print a to z in java 
Java :: Multiply two Strings Leetcode 
Java :: jackson ignore value if null 
Java :: remove new line in string of java 
Java :: how to move from one activity to another in android studio on button click 
Java :: how to split a string in java 
Java :: java set label color 
Java :: password encryption and decryption in java 
Java :: android.permission.INTERNET 
Java :: what is an error in java 
Java :: Read from text file android studio 
Java :: android studio list of strings 
Java :: how to wait in java 
Java :: java create file if not exists 
Java :: reverse string using recursion java with explanation 
Java :: pi in java 
Source link
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