

what method is use for getting the index position of a character of a string in java

// If you want to get the index position of a character in a String, use this method:
.charAt( /*Args int*/ )
// Here's a practial example:
String str = "Grepper";
char ch = str.charAt(0);

// If you want to get the index position of a word/char in a string(a Phrase/Sentence), you could use this method:
.indexOf( /*Args Str*/ )
// Here's a practial example:
String myStr = "This is just an example Sentence";

java string character at index

If you want to get the index position of a character in a String,
use this method:.charAt( <index> )
// Here's a practial example:
String str = "Grepper";
char ch = str.charAt(0);
// output: G 

/* If you want to get the index position of a word/char in a string(a Phrase/Sentence), 
you could use this method:.indexOf( <Args Str> )
Here's a practial example:
String myStr = "This is just an example Sentence";
// output: 16

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