

why java platform independent

The most unique feature of java is platform independent. 
In any programming language soruce code is
compiled in to executable code . This cannot be run across all platforms. 
When javac compiles a java
program it generates an executable file called .class file.
class file contains byte codes. Byte codes are interpreted only by JVM’s . 
Since these JVM’s are made
available across all platforms by Sun Microsystems, we can execute this byte 
code in any platform. Byte
code generated in windows environment can also be executed in linux 
environment. This makes java platform independent

Code Example
Java :: open gallery android 
Java :: How to invoke sendKeys() method for Integer values using Selenium and Java 
Java :: android java get current time 
Java :: This version of the Android Support plugin for IntelliJ IDEA (or Android Studio) cannot open this project, please retry with version 4.1 or newer. 
Java :: main methode java 
Java :: java encrypt string 
Java :: split every character in string into array java 
Java :: java argument main 
Java :: java datetime now 
Java :: how to make a string lowercase in java 
Java :: clear jtable rows java 
Java :: action bar message spigot 1.8 
Java :: how to change label text color javafx 
Java :: Cannot invoke toString() on the primitive type int 
Java :: bootstrap 4 modal get event related target 
Java :: java image draw 
Java :: android studio change menu title 
Java :: convert base64 to image png without saving 
Java :: java random number between 2 values inclusive 
Java :: base64 in java 
Java :: who created java 
Java :: function in java 
Java :: Java Queue Array Implementation 
Java :: how to find a word in string in java 
Java :: java.math.biginteger cannot be cast to java.lang.long 
Java :: java remove character from string after 
Java :: integer to string java 
Java :: how to instance a calendar in java 
Java :: playerhead command minecraft 
Java :: fill two dimensional array columns by columns java 
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