

1--Reverse Bits Algo

// JavaScript program  to
// reverse bits of a number
    // function to reverse bits of a number
    function reverseBits(n)
        let rev = 0;
        // traversing bits of 'n'
        // from the right
        while (n > 0)
            // bitwise left shift
            // 'rev' by 1
            rev <<= 1;
            // if current bit is '1'
            if ((n & 1) == 1)
                rev ^= 1;
            // bitwise right shift
            //'n' by 1
            n >>= 1;
        // required number
        return rev;

Reverse Bits Algo

# Python code to implement the approach
# Function to find the reverse of the number
def reverse_bits(number, bit_size):   
    # for example, if bitSize is 32   
    # then after 1 << bitSize we will get
    # a 1 in 33-th bit position   
    # bin(1 << bitSize) looks like
    # '0b100000000000000000000000000000000'   
    # so to get all 1 in each 32 bit positions,
    # we need to subtract 1 from (1 << bitSize)
    max_value = (1 << bit_size) - 1
    # it is the maximum value for unsigned int32
    # then just subtract your number from the maximum
    return max_value - number
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # for example we can get the number 56
    num = 156
    # chose a binary size which we want to reverse
    size = 32
    print(reverse_bits(num, size))

Code Example
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