
JAVASCRIPT Good Variable Names¶

/*Variable names should be descriptive, providing context about the data
they contain and how they will be used.*/

let radiusOfCircle = 5;
const pi = 3.14;
let areaOfCircle = pi * radiusOfCircle ** 2;

When considering program readability, think about whether or not your 
code will make sense to another programmer. It is not enough for code 
to be readable by only the programmer that originally wrote it.*/

Code Example
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Javascript :: absolute sum javascript 
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Javascript :: This is an example of oligosaccharides: 
Javascript :: find duplicate characters from string in javascript 
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Javascript :: scenery 
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Javascript :: how to convert base64 to webp in angular 
Javascript :: how to draw and expression tree 
Javascript :: js log without newline 
Javascript :: check if object is empty js 
Source link
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