

actual jquery

// installation:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-file/jquery.actual.js"></script>

// examples:
// get hidden element actual width
$( '.hidden' ).actual( 'width' );

// get hidden element actual innerWidth
$( '.hidden' ).actual( 'innerWidth' );

// get hidden element actual outerWidth
$( '.hidden' ).actual( 'outerWidth' );

// get hidden element actual outerWidth and set the `includeMargin` argument
$( '.hidden' ).actual( 'outerWidth', { includeMargin : true });

// get hidden element actual height
$( '.hidden' ).actual( 'height' );

// get hidden element actual innerHeight
$( '.hidden' ).actual( 'innerHeight' );

// get hidden element actual outerHeight
$( '.hidden' ).actual( 'outerHeight' );

// get hidden element actual outerHeight and set the `includeMargin` argument
$( '.hidden' ).actual( 'outerHeight', { includeMargin : true });

// if the page jumps or blinks, pass a attribute '{ absolute : true }'
// be very careful, you might get a wrong result depends on how you makrup your html and css
$( '.hidden' ).actual( 'height', { absolute : true });

// if you use css3pie with a float element
// for example a rounded corner navigation menu you can also try to pass a attribute '{ clone : true }'
// please see demo/css3pie in action
$( '.hidden' ).actual( 'width', { clone : true });

// if it is not a block element. By default { display: 'block' }.
// for example a inline element
$( '.hidden' ).actual( 'width', { display: 'inline-block' });

Code Example
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Javascript :: Return Instance Of Object 
Javascript :: Change Name Of Function Constructor 
Javascript :: js remove item on index 
Javascript :: This is the JSON 
Javascript :: aboutreact axios 
Javascript :: discord.js Function to replace certain characters with a pattern 
Javascript :: Passing arrays to functions with the spread operator 
Javascript :: Will Yield function Model 
Javascript :: toggle checkbox react boolean 
Javascript :: JS time set 24H so AM PM tag 
Javascript :: allow only numbers in textbox javascript onkeypress 
Javascript :: Backbone Initialize vs Render 
Javascript :: select 2 is not working in nodejs 
Javascript :: hsv to rgb js 
Javascript :: pass prop through route 
Javascript :: LeagueFlysystemAwsS3v3AwsS3Adapter 
Javascript :: ajax file upload 
Javascript :: aysnc and await response data usage 
Javascript :: node_modules is not generated in docker 
Javascript :: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.0:compile 
Javascript :: añadir input file a formdata javascript 
Javascript :: delete file firebase angular 
Javascript :: sequelzie order by 
Javascript :: how-can-i-implement-joi-password-complexity-in-joi-validation 
Javascript :: How to write "Hello World" 
Javascript :: react-folder tree example 
Javascript :: javascript array includes time complexity 
Javascript :: getting json from response using getSync method 
Source link
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