$arr1 = array("Geeks", "g4g");
$arr2 = array("GeeksforGeeks", "Computer science portal");
// Get the merged array in the first array itself.
$arr1 = array_merge($arr1, $arr2);
echo "arr1 Contents:";
// Use for each loop to print all the array elements.
foreach ($arr1 as $value) {
echo $value . "
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>We will see after clicking the button how two array will join</p>
<button onclick="concateTwoArray()" id="btnClick">Click</button>
<p id="pId"></p>
function concateTwoArray() {
var twoDay= ["Sunday", "Monday"];
var fiveDay= ["Tuesday", "Wednsday","Thursday", "Friday","Saturday"];
var totalDay = twoDay.concat(fiveDay);
document.getElementById("pId").innerHTML = totalDay ;