

decompile electron app

# Open terminal and install asar node module globally
$ npm install -g asar
# Go into the app’s directory, in our case it’s Slack
$ cd /Applications/
# Create a directory to paste the content of app
$ mkdir example-sourcecode
# Unpack the app.asar file in the above directory using asar
$ asar extract app.asar example-sourcecode 
# Boom cd into it and see the source code of the app

Code Example
Javascript :: js generate random number 
Javascript :: async await anonymous function 
Javascript :: get value by name array from select in jquery 
Javascript :: nativescript absolutelayout bottom 
Javascript :: javascript add days to date 
Javascript :: js array copy not reference 
Javascript :: iterata a array in js 
Javascript :: find lowest number in array js 
Javascript :: mongodb import from json 
Javascript :: javascript random word 
Javascript :: form validation using jquery 
Javascript :: js for in object 
Javascript :: javascript get dictionary values 
Javascript :: getting href value in jquery 
Javascript :: jquery get request with headers 
Javascript :: javascript get last url segment 
Javascript :: how to sort array by dates 
Javascript :: how to check consecutive characters in javascript 
Javascript :: javascript to string big number 
Javascript :: start angular app server 
Javascript :: javascript trim 
Javascript :: include jsp in another jsp 
Javascript :: js ajax receive html 
Javascript :: javascript is number even or odd 
Javascript :: toastr.js notification for laravel 
Javascript :: how to compare strings in javascript ignoring case sensitive 
Javascript :: curl post json object command 
Javascript :: usestate hook with prevstate 
Javascript :: call javascript function after page load complete 
Javascript :: how to get href value of anchor tag in jquery in list 
Source link
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