

var vs let vs const

	- hoisted (always declared at top of scope, global if none)
    - function scope
    - block scope
    - not redeclarable
    - block scope
    - not reassignable
    - not redeclarable
Note: Although it may seem like these hold only semantic meaning, using the
appropriate keywords helps the JS engines' compiler to decide on what to optimize.

difference between var and let

var is function scoped and let is block scoped. Let's say you have:
function understanding_var() {
	if (1 == 1) {
    	var x = 5;
        console.log('the value of x inside the if statement is ' + x);
//output: the value of x inside the if statement is 5

function understanding_let() {
	if (1 == 1) {
    	let x = 5;
        console.log('the value of x inside the if statement is ' + x);
//output: the value of x inside the if statement is 5
		  Uncaught ReferenceError: x is not defined
var is defined throughout the entire function, even if it's inside the if 
statement, but the scope of let is always within the curly braces, not outside
it, even if the conditional statement is inside the function.

let vs const

`const` is a signal that the identifier won't be reassigned.

`let` is a signal that the variable may be reassigned, such as a counter in a
loop, or a value swap in an algorithm.

It also signals that the variable will be used only in the block it's defined
in, which is not always the entire containing function.

what is the difference between let and const in javascript

The difference is that with const you can only only assign a value to a variable
once, but with let it allows you to reassign after it has been assigned.

difference between var, let, const

// var is a function scope ***
    var varVariable = 'This is var';
    var varVariable = 'This is var again';

console.log(varVariable); // This is var again

// let is a block scope ***
    let letVariable = 'This is let';
    let letVariable = 'This is let again';

    // let variable can't re-define but we can re-assign value

    console.log(letVariable); // let letVariable = 'This is let again';^SyntaxError: Identifier 'letVariable' has already been declared

console.log(letVariable); //ReferenceError: letVariable is not defined

// const variable can't re-define and re-assign value
// const is a block scope ***
    const constVarible = {
        name: 'JavaScript',
        age: '25 years',
    }; = 'JS';

    console.log(constVarible) // {name: 'JS',age: '25 years'} <= we can update const variable declared object 

Code Example
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