

Example of Logical OR assignment operator in es12

// In the example, the ||= will check if the songsCount is false (0).
// If false, then the right value will be assigned to the left variable.
let myPlaylist = {songsCount: 0, songs:[]};
myPlaylist.songsCount ||= 100;
console.log(myPlaylist); // This will print: {songsCount: 100, songs: Array(0)}

Example of Logical AND assignment operator in es12

// In the example, the &&= will check if the filesCount is true.
// If true, then the right value will be assigned to the left variable.
let myFiles = {filesCount: 100, files:[]};
myFiles.filesCount &&= 5;
console.log(myFiles); // This will print: {filesCount: 5, files: Array(0)}

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