let arry = {
name: "Rakibul Islam",
class: "Tane",
grup: "A",
roll: 10,
sub: "Arse"
//for in loop used to object
for(let i in arry){
let items = ['beef', 'cabbage', 'javascript']; // Defines a list of items
for (let item of items) { // Defines for loop with a variable of 'item'
console.log(item); // Prints the item that is found
let arry = {
name: "Rakibul Islam",
class: "Tane",
grup: "A",
roll: 10,
sub: "Arse"
//for in loop used to object
for(let i in arry){
for (i in things) {
// If things is an array, i will usually contain the array keys *not advised*
// If things is an object, i will contain the member names
// Either way, access values using: things[i]
var car = {"Tesla":"Model 3", "Mercedes":"V-8 Model"};
for(brandName in car){
for(brandName in car){
//Model 3
//V-8 Model
const user ={
for(let x in user){
console.log(user[x]) //name,age,subscriber and money(only get key not value)
//first type
for(let i; i< number; i++){
//do stuff
//you can break
//2nd type
const colors = ["red","green","blue","primary colors"]
colors.forEach((color) =>{
//do stuff
//But you can't breack out of the loop
//3rd type might not be considered as a loop
colors.map((color) =>{//do stuff
//no bracking})
let list = ["a", "b", "c"];
// for in
for (let i in list) {
// i is index
console.log(i); // "0", "1", "2",
console.log(list[i]); // "a", "b", "c"
// for of
for (let i of list) {
// i is value
console.log(i); // "a", "b", "c"