let colors = ['Red', 'Green', 'Blue'];
for (const [index, color] of colors.entries()) {
console.log(`${color} is at index ${index}`);
}Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
const array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
for (const item of array) {
// Result: a, b, c, d
const string = 'Ire Aderinokun';
for (const character of string) {
// Result: I, r, e, , A, d, e, r, i, n, o, k, u, n
const letters = ["a","b","c", "d", "e","f"];
for (const x of letters) {
/*note that for of only works for iterable objects(which includes an array). The above type of code would NOT work for a JSON for example*/
/*for example for something like
const x = {0:0, 1:2222, 2:44444}, you can only use for ... in as JSON is not an iterable*/