

how can i debug compressed javascript in chrome

Open any web site. Open developer tools in chrome by pressing F12 /Ctrl + Shift + I/ right-click anywhere inside the web page and select Inspect/Inspect Element which will be mostly the last option. Go to Sources tab in developer tools and open any minified JS which you want to debug as shown in the image.
Icon appears like two curled brackets.

Code Example
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Javascript :: regex from 5 to 30 1 number 1 lower case and 1 upper case letter 
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Javascript :: req.session undefined express node js 
Javascript :: repeater javascript 
Javascript :: events in node js 
Javascript :: how to check vowels in a string in javascript 
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Javascript :: spliting html select option 
Javascript :: express check request type 
Javascript :: onclick a hyperlink and display the id of clicked hyperlink js 
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Javascript :: Plumasil - new item button desc text 
Javascript :: node js knex sqlite query 
Javascript :: laravel , json Why it shows Cannot access offset of type string on string error 
Javascript :: { "typeof": false } 
Javascript :: angularjs Both ng-model and ng-change on input alter the $scope state - which one takes priority 
Javascript :: angularjs Separate values in select containing 2 object 
Javascript :: Calculating state happens to late 
Javascript :: change useragent cypress test run 
Javascript :: fetch 500 internal server error 
Javascript :: to fix a broken class oop javascript 
Javascript :: Custom Delimiter For Mustache.js 
Javascript :: javascript get next month name 
Source link
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