

how to check if it is the current time day.js

var now = new Date(),
    day = now.getDay(),
    hours = now.getHours();

//Check if day is Mon-Fri
if(0 < day < 6) {
  //check between 9am and 5pm
  if(9 <= hours <= 17) {
     if(hours !== 17 || now.getMinutes() <= 30) {
          //your jQuery code here

how to check if it is the current time day.js

document.getElementById('tmp_button-48523').addEventListener('click', function() {
let d = new Date();
let localTime = d.getTime();
let localOffset = d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
let utc = localTime + localOffset;
let target_offset = -7;//PST from UTC 7 hours behind right now, will need to fix for daylight
let los_angles = utc+(3600000*target_offset);
nd = new Date(los_angles);
let current_day = nd.getDay();
let hours = nd.getHours();
let mins = nd.getMinutes();

alert("los_angles time is " + nd.toLocaleString());
alert("Day is "+current_day);

if(current_day==2 && hours >= 14 && hours <=15  )
if(hours!=15 && mins >= 32)
fbq('track', 'LT-Login');

}, false);

function fbq(p1,p2){

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