

import all images from folder reactjs

function importAll(r) {
  let images = {};
  r.keys().map((item, index) => { images[item.replace('./', '')] = r(item); });
  return images;

const images = importAll(require.context('./images', false, /.(png|jpe?g|svg)$/));

<img src={images['doggy.png']} />

import an image react in the public folder

<img src={process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '/yourPathHere.jpg'} />
<img src={window.location.origin + '/yourPathHere.jpg'} />  

import an image react in the public folder

<img src={process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '/yourPathHere.jpg'} />
<img src={window.location.origin + '/yourPathHere.jpg'} />  

Import all images from folder react

// Original answer by Kind Kouprey, additional comments and integer index alternative by me.

function importAll(r) {
  //// Use these line if you like to access arrays using an integer index.
  //let images = [];
  //r.keys().map((item, index) => { images.push(r(item)); });
  ////Use these line if you want to access each image using the file name.
  //let images = {};
  //r.keys().map((item, index) => { images[item.replace('./','')] = r(item); });
  return images;

//Param 1: The path or route to the directory you want to import.
//Param 2 (optional): Include directories?
//Param 3 (optional): Use a regular expression (regex) such as "/.(png|jpe?g|svg)$/" to select only certain file types.
const images = importAll(require.context('./images', false, /.(png|jpe?g|svg)$/));

//The index can be up to the number of images in the folder - 1;
<img src={images[0]} />
<img src={images[3]} />
//Or if you used the file name method...
<img src={images["doggy.png"]} />

react js public folder image path search

img elements must have an alt prop, either with meaningful text, or an empty string for decorative images

Code Example
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