

how to new tab disable after hit enter in javascript

(function( $ ){
    $.fn.enterAsTab = function( options ) {  
    var settings = $.extend( {
       'allowSubmit': false
    }, options);
    this.find('input, select').live("keypress", {localSettings: settings}, function(event) {
        if (settings.allowSubmit) {
        var type = $(this).attr("type");
        if (type == "submit") {
            return true;
    if (event.keyCode == 13 ) {
        var inputs =   $(this).parents("form").eq(0).find(":input:visible:not(disabled):not([readonly])");
        var idx = inputs.index(this);
        if (idx == inputs.length - 1) {
           idx = -1;
       } else {
           inputs[idx + 1].focus(); // handles submit buttons
        try {
            inputs[idx + 1].select();
        catch(err) {
            // handle objects not offering select
        return false;
  return this;
})( jQuery );

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Source link
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