

how to pass sequelize transaction to association helper method

// First, we start a transaction and save it into a variable
const t = await sequelize.transaction();

try {

  // Then, we do some calls passing this transaction as an option:

  const user = await User.create({
    firstName: 'Bart',
    lastName: 'Simpson'
  }, { transaction: t });

  await user.addSibling({
    firstName: 'Lisa',
    lastName: 'Simpson'
  }, { transaction: t });

  // If the execution reaches this line, no errors were thrown.
  // We commit the transaction.
  await t.commit();

} catch (error) {

  // If the execution reaches this line, an error was thrown.
  // We rollback the transaction.
  await t.rollback();


how to pass sequelize transaction to association helper method

try {

  const result = await sequelize.transaction(async (t) => {

    const user = await User.create({
      firstName: 'Abraham',
      lastName: 'Lincoln'
    }, { transaction: t });

    await user.setShooter({
      firstName: 'John',
      lastName: 'Boothe'
    }, { transaction: t });

    return user;


  // If the execution reaches this line, the transaction has been committed successfully
  // `result` is whatever was returned from the transaction callback (the `user`, in this case)

} catch (error) {

  // If the execution reaches this line, an error occurred.
  // The transaction has already been rolled back automatically by Sequelize!


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