

how to sepaarte text in object javascript

let data = 'Child 1 First Name: Ali
Child 1 Gender: Female
Child 1 Hair Color: Blonde
Child 1 Hair Style: Wavy
Child 1 Skin Tone: Tan
Child 2 First Name: Morgan 
Child 2 Gender: Female
Child 2 Hair Color: Brown
Child 2 Hair Style: Ponytail
Child 2 Skin Tone: Light
Relationship 1 to 2: Brother
Relationship 2 to 1: Brother
let target = {};

').forEach((pair) => {
  if(pair !== '') {
    let splitpair = pair.split(': ');
    let key = splitpair[0].charAt(0).toLowerCase() + splitpair[0].slice(1).split(' ').join('');
    target[key] = splitpair[1];


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