

is nodejs code visible client side

No, Nodejs code is not visible to the client. 

To be precise Nodejs is a javascript run-time environment, 
which means it is an engine that executes javascript code. 

The server code may contain endpoints, etc, which are callable by the client, 
and which return information from the server which is rendered in the 
browser, but the client cannot see the server-side code.

Code Example
Javascript :: jquery post data into an iframe from textarea live 
Javascript :: json property becoming small after retriving from .net core controller 
Javascript :: ipv6 dual regex angular 
Javascript :: js nvl function 
Javascript :: create a link in react js to download xcelfile 
Javascript :: flutter app accessible when phone is locked 
Javascript :: ejecutar una funcion js con id html usando jquery 
Javascript :: dustjs compilator 
Javascript :: get image center pixels nodejs 
Javascript :: puppeteer print page numbers after second page 
Javascript :: transaction mode javascript 
Javascript :: how to add some thing to url by js 
Javascript :: react native multiline cursor on first line 
Javascript :: how to get perticular 5 string element out of 10 from array javascript 
Javascript :: js event problem solving 
Javascript :: Pinterest Javascript 
Javascript :: 1.047222170078745 
Javascript :: detect click on link in all places javascript 
Javascript :: node code to read json file 
Javascript :: safe check in js 
Javascript :: setstate to false after 10 sec react native 
Javascript :: 4.4.3. Keywords¶ 
Javascript :: _this.errors.push(; 
Javascript :: how to make kak in javascript 
Javascript :: three js div over orbitcontrol 
Javascript :: url builder angularjs 
Javascript :: import multiple packages jsp 
Javascript :: Amazon Cognito domain on amplify not pulling 
Javascript :: how to bound a state variable to a field react final form 
Javascript :: zoom and pan in d3.js 
Source link
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