const parent = document.createElement('div');
const child = document.createElement('p');
const childTwo = document.createElement('p');
parent.append(child, childTwo, 'Hello world'); // Works fine
parent.appendChild(child, childTwo, 'Hello world');
// Works fine, but adds the first element and ignores the rest
const paragraph = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('p'));
// You can append more elements to the paragraph later
const parent = document.createElement('div');
const child = document.createElement('p');
// Appending Node Objects
parent.append(child) // Works fine
parent.appendChild(child) // Works fine
// Appending DOMStrings
parent.append('Hello world') // Works fine
parent.appendChild('Hello world') // Throws error
'''Use appendChild() method to add a node to the end of the list of child nodes
of a specified parent node.
The appendChild() can be used to move an existing child node to the new
position within the document.'''
const parent = document.createElement('div');
const child = document.createElement('p');
const appendValue = parent.append(child);
console.log(appendValue) // undefined
const appendChildValue = parent.appendChild(child);
console.log(appendChildValue) // <p><p>