

javascript check if variable is empty

if( value ) {

* This will evaluate to true if value is not:
* null
* undefined
* NaN
* empty string ("")
* 0
* false

javascript validate if string null undefined empty

  * Checks the string if undefined, null, not typeof string, empty or space(s)
  * @param {any} str string to be evaluated
  * @returns {boolean} the evaluated result
function isStringNullOrWhiteSpace(str) {
    return str === undefined || str === null
                             || typeof str !== 'string'
                             || str.match(/^ *$/) !== null;

javascript check if undefined or null or empty string

// simple check do the job
if (myString) {
 // comes here either myString is not null,
 // or myString is not undefined,
 // or myString is not '' (empty).

javascript check if Empty string, undefined, null

Use for Empty string, undefined, null, ...
//To check for a truthy value:

if (strValue) {
    // strValue was non-empty string, true, 42, Infinity, [], ...

//To check for a falsy value:
if (!strValue) {
    // strValue was empty string, false, 0, null, undefined, ...

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