

javascript competitive programming

//If you’re not familiar with competitive programming, basically it is a mind sport with the aim of writing code to solve given problems. I was introduced to it in my freshman year by my seniors. As of this writing, I’m still not really great at it! Maybe it is due to the fact that I don’t like to code in C++, or maybe I am a lazy person who won’t take the time to actually learn it well enough. But, I like algorithms and data-structures as much as I like JavaScript!

//So, the preposterous thought crossed my mind over and over again. ‘What if we start using JavaScript in the competitive arena?’ Turns out, this doesn’t seem like the uncharted territory that I thought it would be. Many platforms like HackerRank, CodeChef, and Codeforces support JavaScript.

//I know C++ is a lot faster compared to JavaScript and can dynamically allocate memory. C and C++ are quite similar in terms of performance, but competitive programmers mostly use C++ because of its Standard Template Library (or STL). It provides common programming data structures like list, stack, array along with container classes, algorithms, and iterators out of the box.

//But, JavaScript offers something C++ lacks:


competitive programming in javascript

There are many places you can practive competitive programming, one good way is through Clash of Code on CodingGame ( Some other good places include on Hacker Rank and LeetCode.

Code Example
Javascript :: Link vs NavLink in react-router-dom 
Javascript :: javascript Swapping Variables 
Javascript :: regex remove duplicates 
Javascript :: generate an array of random numbers javascript 
Javascript :: optional chaining javascript 
Javascript :: set node_env in windows 
Javascript :: make input not editable for user js 
Javascript :: javascript onclick button 
Javascript :: link href javascript 
Javascript :: create new element 
Javascript :: chart js in angular 13 
Javascript :: copy text to clipboard reactjs 
Javascript :: vue router refresh page not found 
Javascript :: js know size of screen displayed 
Javascript :: create react app with vite 
Javascript :: node filesystem change directory of a file 
Javascript :: laravel ajax post data to controller 
Javascript :: vue scroll div to bottom 
Javascript :: how to normalize string in javascript 
Javascript :: javascript convert string with square brackets to array 
Javascript :: event module in node js 
Javascript :: node js on macbook m1 
Javascript :: send mail, nodemailer, nodemailer, mailer, nodemailer npm 
Javascript :: how to make fake binary 
Javascript :: upload image to firebase 
Javascript :: jshint ignore 
Javascript :: return all trs in a table jqueyr 
Javascript :: how to read a csv file in nodejs 
Javascript :: JS toString adds backslash 
Javascript :: node js and react js difference 
Source link
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