

javascript keywords

await : runs functions asynchronously
break : stops a for loop
case : used un switch statements
catch : part 2 of a trycatch statement, runs if code in try statement fails
class : defines a class
const : defines a constant variable (it cant be changed after defined)
continue : skips to the next number in a for loop
debugger : i dont know what it does
do : if used in while loop ,then if the boolean slot is false,it will run one time only
else : executes the code inside if the boolean slot in an if statement is false
false : boolean value
for : a type of loop
function : defines a function
if : if the boolean slot is true then the code inside will run
import : imports other javascript files
in : checks if an element is in a specific array
instanceof : i dont know what it does
let : similar to var but defines the variable only inside of this scope
new : defines a new object of a specific class type
null : similar to undefined but its type is object instead of undefined
return : defines the return value of a function
switch : similar to if statement but its multiplied and checks if a value is what its says in each case and if its that variable then it runs the code inside of that case
throw : throws an error (also works in trycatch statements)
try : if the code inside throws an error then its runs the code inside catch statement
true : boolean value
typeof : gets the type of a specific value
var : defines a variable
while : this loop runs until the boolean slot becomes false

Code Example
Javascript :: node readFileSync json 
Javascript :: react-native-cli remove 
Javascript :: js parse url decode 
Javascript :: javascript remove space from string 
Javascript :: fetch request to GraphQL 
Javascript :: multer save file with extension 
Javascript :: ecmascript 
Javascript :: js map iterate 
Javascript :: reaact native expo jsx 
Javascript :: react native object is empty 
Javascript :: convert milit second to date javascript 
Javascript :: Writing files in Node.js 
Javascript :: set dropdown value using jquery 
Javascript :: how to call a function with a button in javascript 
Javascript :: angular ng build Maximum call stack size exceeded 
Javascript :: jquery post failure 
Javascript :: ejs partial pass value 
Javascript :: javascript disable copy paste 
Javascript :: js nwe date today 
Javascript :: javascript reverse array without modifying 
Javascript :: Uncaught TypeError: this is undefined ApolloClient ApolloClient.ts:72 
Javascript :: how use for loop in append attribute in jquery 
Javascript :: electron hot model reload 
Javascript :: htaccess to deploy react app to cpanel 
Javascript :: javascript iterate over object 
Javascript :: mongodb password in connection string with @ 
Javascript :: react native gradient touchable feedback 
Javascript :: moment between exclusivity 
Javascript :: byte to kb javascript 
Javascript :: react material modal custom backdrop 
Source link
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