// similar behavior as an HTTP redirectwindow.location.replace("http://stackoverflow.com");// similar behavior as clicking on a linkwindow.location.href="http://stackoverflow.com";
how to redirect to another page without writing javascript
Just put this meta tage to your html file
<meta http-equiv ="refresh" content ="2; url = https://www.google.com"/><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Redirection</title><meta http-equiv ="refresh" content ="2; url = https://www.google.com"/></head><body><p>This page will redirect in2 seconds.</p></body></html>
// removes the link from the history, // e.g. if you would click the arrow back in any browser// user wouldn't return to that sitewindow.location.replace("http://stackoverflow.com");// similar behavior as clicking on a link// user will return to that site if pressing arrow backwindow.location.href="http://stackoverflow.com";
How do I redirect to another webpage using javascript
window.location.href;// Returns the href (URL) of the current pagewindow.location.hostname;// Returns the domain name of the web hostwindow.location.pathname;// Returns the path and filename of the current pagewindow.location.protocol;// Returns the web protocol used (http: or https:)window.location.assign;// Loads a new documentwindow.location.replace;// RReplace the current location with new one.
how to redirect to another page without writing javascript
Just put this meta tage to your html file
<meta http-equiv = "refresh" content = "2; url = https://www.google.com" />
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv = "refresh" content = "2; url = https://www.tutorialspoint.com" />
<p>This page will redirect in 2 seconds.</p>