copy text to clipboard javascript
navigator . clipboard . writeText ( "Hello World" ) ;
javascript copy text to clipboard
navigator . clipboard . writeText ( 'Lorem Ipsum' )
javascript text to clipboard
function copyToClipboard ( text ) {
const elem = document . createElement ( 'textarea' ) ;
elem. value = text;
document . body . appendChild ( elem) ;
elem. select ( ) ;
document . execCommand ( 'copy' ) ;
document . body . removeChild ( elem) ;
how to copy text in the clipboard in js
< html>
< input type= "text" value= "Hello world" ( Can be of your choice) id= "myInput" ( id is the name of the text, you can change it later)
< button onclick= "Hello()" > Copy Text < / button>
< script>
function Hello ( ) {
var copyText = document . getElementById ( 'myInput' )
copyText. select ( ) ;
document . execCommand ( 'copy' )
console . log ( 'Copied Text' )
< / script>
how to copy text in js
const copyOnClipboard = ( txt ) => navigator . clipboard . writeText ( txt)
copy text to clipboard javascript without input
navigator . clipboard . writeText ( 'the text' )
javascript copy value to clipboard
function fallbackCopyTextToClipboard ( text ) {
var textArea = document . createElement ( "textarea" ) ;
textArea. value = text;
textArea. style . top = "0" ;
textArea. style . left = "0" ;
textArea. style . position = "fixed" ;
document . body . appendChild ( textArea) ;
textArea. focus ( ) ;
textArea. select ( ) ;
try {
var successful = document . execCommand ( 'copy' ) ;
var msg = successful ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful' ;
console . log ( 'Fallback: Copying text command was ' + msg) ;
} catch ( err) {
console . error ( 'Fallback: Oops, unable to copy' , err) ;
document . body . removeChild ( textArea) ;
function copyTextToClipboard ( text ) {
if ( ! navigator . clipboard ) {
fallbackCopyTextToClipboard ( text) ;
return ;
navigator . clipboard . writeText ( text) . then ( function ( ) {
console . log ( 'Async: Copying to clipboard was successful!' ) ;
} , function ( err ) {
console . error ( 'Async: Could not copy text: ' , err) ;
} ) ;
var copyBobBtn = document . querySelector ( '.js-copy-bob-btn' ) ,
copyJaneBtn = document . querySelector ( '.js-copy-jane-btn' ) ;
copyBobBtn. addEventListener ( 'click' , function ( event ) {
copyTextToClipboard ( 'Bob' ) ;
} ) ;
copyJaneBtn. addEventListener ( 'click' , function ( event ) {
copyTextToClipboard ( 'Jane' ) ;
} ) ;
copy text to clipboard javascript
< script>
function copyToClipboard ( element ) {
var $temp = $ ( "<input>" ) ;
$ ( "body" ) . append ( $temp) ;
$temp. val ( $ ( element) . text ( ) ) . select ( ) ;
document . execCommand ( "copy" ) ;
$temp. remove ( ) ;
< / script>
< p id= "text" > Hello < / p>
< button onclick= "copyToClipboard('#text')" > < / button>
js copy text
navigator . clipboard . writeText ( "your text here" )
js copy text to clipboard
navigator . clipboard . writeText ( "some text" ) . then ( function ( ) {
} , function ( ) {
} ) ;
javascript copy clipboard
< a href= "' + artworkUrl + '" onclick= "copyURI(event)" > Copy cover URL < / a>
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