

get last three characters of string javascript

var member = "my name is Afia";

var last3 = member.slice(-3);

alert(last3); // "fia"

javascript string get last two character

var member = "my name is Mate";

var last2 = member.slice(-2);

alert(last2); // "te"

javascript get last n characters of string

'abc'.slice(-1); // c

How to Get the Last Two Characters of a String in JavaScript

const str = 'Coding Beauty';

const last2 = str.slice(-2);
console.log(last2); // ty

// When we pass a negative number as an argument,
// slice() counts backward from the last string character to find the equivalent index.
// So passing -2 to slice() specifies a start index of str.length - 2.

const last2Again = str.slice(str.length - 2);
console.log(last2Again); // ty

// Note
// We can use substring() in place of slice() to get the first two characters of a string:

const str = 'Coding Beauty';
const last2 = str.substring(str.length - 2);
console.log(last2); // ty

// However, we have to manually calculate the start index ourselves with str.length - 2,
// which makes the code less readable.
// This is because unlike slice(), substring() uses 0 as the start index if a negative number is passed.

const str = 'Coding Beauty';

// -2 is negative, 0 used as start index
const notLast2 = str.substring(-2);

console.log(notLast2); // Coding Beauty

last five characters of string javascript

var hello = "Hello World";

var last5 = hello.slice(-5);

alert(last5); // "World"

Code Example
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Source link
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