function createItem() {
localStorage.setItem('nameOfItem', 'value');
createItem() // Creates a item named 'nameOfItem' and stores a value of 'value'
function getValue() {
return localStorage.getItem('nameOfItem');
} // Gets the value of 'nameOfItem' and returns it
console.log(getValue()); //'value';
// localStorage for objects, arrays or any data type
var obj = {
firstName: "Bob",
lastName: "Jeff",
age: 13
localStorage.setItem("itemname", JSON.stringify(obj)); // Save the obj as string
var item = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("itemname"));
// ^^ Parse string then set `item` as the obj
// Check browser support
if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") {
// Store
localStorage.setItem("lastname", "Smith");
// Retrieve
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = localStorage.getItem("lastname");
} else {
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "Sorry, your browser does not support Web Storage...";
localStorage.setItem('name', 'Bob') // make/set a key/value
var username = localStorage.getItem('name') // get the key
console.log(username) // log the key
// This data will be saved even after you close the page
As the answers here already talk about the coding aspect. I will talk about
the concept.
Local storage is basically an object stored in the specific browser you are
using in that moment. And thus it is tied to that browser in that device. It's
duration is infinite so it never expires
If you only want to store data that only lasts for that browser session(
starts when you open a window and ends when you close it) then the best choice
is sessionStorage
#you must first stringify it with the JSON.stringify() function
localStorage.setItem('items', JSON.stringify(items));
const x = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('items'))
localStorage.setItem('person', JSON.stringify(person)); //stringify object and store
var retrievedPerson = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('person')); //retrieve the object
//localStorage contain key value.
//we can get all localStorage from localStorage tab of storage pannel in inspect.
localStorage.setItem("todo","Feed the cat") //set localStorage with key todo and fee the cat as value
localStorage.clear();// clear the localStorage.
//getting localStorage.
const user = localStorage.getItem('user'); //in parameter we send key value
//adding array and object in localStorage.
//when we use tradition way we get string instead of array and object.
//this issues can be remove by using JSON.stringify and JSON.parse.
const todoList= ["Feed the cat","wash"]
localStorage.setItem("todos",JSON.stringify(todoList)); //changing array to string with []
const retrieved= JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("todos")); // changing string to object.
//an immediately invoked function that checks to see if the text is in local storage already
//if the text is in local storage, set the html
if (localStorage.currentTotal){
document.getElementById('class').innerHTML = localStorage.getItem("currentTotal");
//function that gets called for an onclick event
function myFunction() {
// Store in local storage
localStorage.setItem("currentTotal", "Class current balance total");
//set the inner html to what is in local storage
document.getElementById("class").innerHTML = localStorage.getItem("currentTotal");