

maximum sum subarray javascript

const maxSubArray = (nums) => {
    // initiate two variable, maxSum for total max, sum for current max
    let maxSum = -Infinity
    let currentSum = 0
    // iterate through the nums, store sub-problems result
    for(let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){ 
        //cumulating answers to the top
        //compare currentSum add current number 
        //with current number and store the maximum value
        currentSum = Math.max(nums[i], currentSum + nums[i])
        //compare maxSum with currentSum and store the greater value
        maxSum = Math.max(currentSum, maxSum)
    return maxSum

maximum sum array algorithm javascript

function maxSumArr(arr, num) {
    let maxSum = 0;
    let tempSum = 0;
    if(arr.length < num) return null;
    for(let i = 0; i < num; i++) {
       tempSum += arr[i];
    tempSum = maxSum;
    for(let i = num; i < arr.length; i++) {
       tempSum = tempSum - arr[i - num] + arr[i];
       maxSum = Math.max(tempSum, maxSum);
       return maxSum;

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