

monorepos nx nestjs docker

# Start from node base imageFROM node:12-alpine as builder# Set the current working directory inside the containerWORKDIR /build# Copy package.json, yarn.lock files and download depsCOPY package.json yarn.lock ./RUN yarn global add @angular/cliRUN yarn# Copy sources to the working directoryCOPY . .# Set the node environmentARG node_env=productionENV NODE_ENV $node_env# Build the Node.js appARG projectRUN ng build $project# Start a new stage from nginxFROM nginx:alpineWORKDIR /dist# Copy the build artifacts from the previous stageARG projectCOPY --from=builder /build/dist/apps/$project /usr/share/nginx/html# Set the port number and expose itARG port=80ENV PORT $portEXPOSE $port# Run nginxCMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

Code Example
Javascript :: auto increment string in javascript 
Javascript :: functional not if then else 
Javascript :: cache variables that need calculation 
Javascript :: javascript Bingo add called number to a list 
Javascript :: basketball socket io 
Javascript :: remove a function added to eventhandler 
Javascript :: javascript middleware getter and setter 
Javascript :: jstree select all visible node only 
Javascript :: how to set Json node in java 
Javascript :: tools to extract javascript from the page 
Javascript :: pdf javascript search text 
Javascript :: res : [ Circular ] nodejs 
Javascript :: super slider js 
Javascript :: how to english paragraph matching in javascript 
Javascript :: cookie sprites with pure white background 
Javascript :: flowjs attributes 
Javascript :: js match true false 
Javascript :: reference self in ajax callback 
Javascript :: data-item-id 
Javascript :: returned data has p tags react 
Javascript :: mindfusion calendar 
Javascript :: react createElement interactive button 
Javascript :: mongoose reference another model 
Javascript :: syntax to call item from array 
Javascript :: in object transform translate property concat with rotate value angular 7 
Javascript :: add object to array setstate 
Javascript :: jquerybuilder input date 
Javascript :: how to add make touchstart passive in jquery "3.4.0" 
Javascript :: react how to block render if data is not fetched yet 
Javascript :: angular url not valid send you to a component 
Source link
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