

node load testing-check

$ loadtest http://localhost:7357/ -t 20 -c 10 --keepalive --rps 2000
Requests per second: 1950

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time
  50%      1 ms
  90%      2 ms
  95%      2 ms
  99%      7 ms
 100%      20 ms (longest request)

node load testing-basic

$ loadtest http://localhost:7357/ -t 20 -c 10
Requests: 9589, requests per second: 1915, mean latency: 10 ms
Requests: 16375, requests per second: 1359, mean latency: 10 ms
Requests: 16375, requests per second: 0, mean latency: 0 ms
Completed requests:  16376
Requests per second: 368
Total time:          44.503181166000005 s

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time
  50%      4 ms
  90%      5 ms
  95%      6 ms
  99%      14 ms
 100%      35997 ms (longest request)

Code Example
Javascript :: Here is a complete idiomatic Scala hand classifier for all hands (handles 5-high straights): 
Javascript :: trie node pseudocode 
Javascript :: mongoose-unique-validator 
Javascript :: please run 
Javascript :: my env.local file not working in my react app usind mac 
Javascript :: declarar function javascript 
Javascript :: read url jsf 
Javascript :: discord.js send dm to specific user 
Javascript :: browser console unhide element 
Javascript :: whatsapp images not showing in meta tags 
Javascript :: concatenate to require string in solidity ethereum 
Javascript :: initializing a property asynchronously 2 
Javascript :: iterate set javascript 
Javascript :: json.parse() javascript 
Javascript :: firebase check if key exists javascript 
Javascript :: openai giving me a 401 
Javascript :: regular expression for spanish date 
Javascript :: Print Files with React 
Javascript :: change previous location history javascript 
Javascript :: javascript interview quetions 
Javascript :: call function on scroll down javascript 
Javascript :: how scroll bottom simplebar in vue js 
Javascript :: a method that will do something to each of the values in the array 
Javascript :: JS mixin implementation 
Javascript :: regex placa de carro 
Javascript :: how to add element in array in angular 
Javascript :: _.clone underscore 
Javascript :: how to use graph api with react native 
Javascript :: react axios request data objest from online json with table element 
Javascript :: react email validation 
Source link
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