let dailyActivities =['eat','sleep'];// add an element at the end
dailyActivities.push('exercise');console.log(dailyActivities);// ['eat', 'sleep', 'exercise']
const myArray =['hello','world'];// add an element to the end of the array
myArray.push('foo');// ['hello', 'world', 'foo']// add an element to the front of the array
myArray.unshift('bar');// ['bar', 'hello', 'world', 'foo']// add an element at an index of your choice// the first value is the index you want to add at// the second value is how many you want to delete (0 in this case)// the third value is the value you want to insert
myArray.splice(2,0,'there');// ['bar', 'hello', 'there', 'world', 'foo']
//adding items to array
objects =[];
objects.push("you can add a string,number,boolean,etc");//if you more stuff in a array//before i made a error doing value = : value
objects.push({variable1: value,variable2: value);//we do the {} so we tell it it will have more stuff and the variable : value
// Add to the end of arraylet colors =["white","blue"];
colors.push("red");// ['white','blue','red']// Add to the beggining of arraylet colors =["white","blue"];
colors.unshift("red");// ['red','white','blue']// Adding with spread operatorlet colors =["white","blue"];
colors =[...colors,"red"];// ['white','blue','red']