

node cache

const { NodeDiskStorage } = require('node-disk-storage')
const nds = new NodeDiskStorage()

 * @description set data

;(async () => {
	await nds.set('user', [
			id: 1,
			name: 'Leanne Graham',
			username: 'Bret',
			email: '',
			address: {
				street: 'Kulas Light',
				suite: 'Apt. 556',
				city: 'Gwenborough',
				zipcode: '92998-3874',
				geo: {
					lat: '-37.3159',
					lng: '81.1496'
			phone: '1-770-736-8031 x56442',
			website: '',
			company: {
				name: 'Romaguera-Crona',
				catchPhrase: 'Multi-layered client-server neural-net',
				bs: 'harness real-time e-markets'
			id: 2,
			name: 'Ervin Howell',
			username: 'Antonette',
			email: '',
			address: {
				street: 'Victor Plains',
				suite: 'Suite 879',
				city: 'Wisokyburgh',
				zipcode: '90566-7771',
				geo: {
					lat: '-43.9509',
					lng: '-34.4618'
			phone: '010-692-6593 x09125',
			website: '',
			company: {
				name: 'Deckow-Crist',
				catchPhrase: 'Proactive didactic contingency',
				bs: 'synergize scalable supply-chains'
			id: 3,
			name: 'Clementine Bauch',
			username: 'Samantha',
			email: '',
			address: {
				street: 'Douglas Extension',
				suite: 'Suite 847',
				city: 'McKenziehaven',
				zipcode: '59590-4157',
				geo: {
					lat: '-68.6102',
					lng: '-47.0653'
			phone: '1-463-123-4447',
			website: '',
			company: {
				name: 'Romaguera-Jacobson',
				catchPhrase: 'Face to face bifurcated interface',
				bs: 'e-enable strategic applications'
			id: 4,
			name: 'Patricia Lebsack',
			username: 'Karianne',
			email: '',
			address: {
				street: 'Hoeger Mall',
				suite: 'Apt. 692',
				city: 'South Elvis',
				zipcode: '53919-4257',
				geo: {
					lat: '29.4572',
					lng: '-164.2990'
			phone: '493-170-9623 x156',
			website: '',
			company: {
				name: 'Robel-Corkery',
				catchPhrase: 'Multi-tiered zero tolerance productivity',
				bs: 'transition cutting-edge web services'
			id: 5,
			name: 'Chelsey Dietrich',
			username: 'Kamren',
			email: '',
			address: {
				street: 'Skiles Walks',
				suite: 'Suite 351',
				city: 'Roscoeview',
				zipcode: '33263',
				geo: {
					lat: '-31.8129',
					lng: '62.5342'
			phone: '(254)954-1289',
			website: '',
			company: {
				name: 'Keebler LLC',
				catchPhrase: 'User-centric fault-tolerant solution',
				bs: 'revolutionize end-to-end systems'
	await nds.set('name', 'john doe')
	await nds.set('days', ['senin', 'selasa', 'rabu', 'kamis'])

 * @description get data
;(async () => {
	const getUser = await nds.get('user')

	const getName = await nds.get('name')

	const getDays = await nds.get('days')

	console.log((await nds.keys()).length)

	console.log(await nds.clear())

nodejs cache data

    npm install node-cache --save

node cache

node-disk-storage a simple fast and secure local storage for nodejs, 
you can store any data using key and value, and then your data will be 
encrypt to be like this �+�)data|ZGF0YXxqb2huK2RvZV5eXiQwfDFd^^^$0|1

npm i node-disk-storage -S || yarn add node-disk-storage -S

Code Example
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Javascript :: arrow function javascript rules 
Source link
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