/*The push() method adds elements to the end of an array, and unshift() adds
elements to the beginning.*/
let twentyThree = 'XXIII';
let romanNumerals = ['XXI', 'XXII'];
// now equals ['XIX', 'XX', 'XXI', 'XXII', 'XXIII']
romanNumerals.unshift('XIX', 'XX');
// now equals ['XIX', 'XX', 'XXI', 'XXII']
var vegetables = ['Capsicum',' Carrot','Cucumber','Onion'];
//expected output ['Capsicum',' Carrot','Cucumber','Onion','Okra'];
// .push adds a thing at the last of an array
//combine the name with the age from object javascript function challenges
const customerAndAge = (obj) => {
let array = [];
for (let key in obj) {
array.push(`Customer Name :${key} , Age :${obj[key]}`);
} return array;
//if you find this answer is useful ,
//upvote ⇑⇑ , so can the others benefit also . @mohammad alshraideh ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)