

random bigint javascript

/** Generates BigInts between low (inclusive) and high (exclusive) */
function generateRandomBigInt(lowBigInt, highBigInt) {
  if (lowBigInt >= highBigInt) {
    throw new Error('lowBigInt must be smaller than highBigInt');

  const difference = highBigInt - lowBigInt;
  const differenceLength = difference.toString().length;
  let multiplier = '';
  while (multiplier.length < differenceLength) {
    multiplier += Math.random()
  multiplier = multiplier.slice(0, differenceLength);
  const divisor = '1' + '0'.repeat(differenceLength);

  const randomDifference = (difference * BigInt(multiplier)) / BigInt(divisor);

  return lowBigInt + randomDifference;

Code Example
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Source link
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