

remove first and last character from string in java

String roles = "[This is an example of list.toString()]";
//Below substring method will remove the first and last character of roles String
roles = roles.substring(1, roles.length()-1);
// here roles will become "This is an example of list.toString()"
System.out.println("New String: "+roles);

Remove First and Last Character

// Your goal is to create a function that removes the first and last characters of a string. You're given one parameter, the original string. You don't have to worry with strings with less than two characters.

function removeChar(str){
  const strLength = str.length
  if(strLength < 2) return str
  return str.substr(1, strLength - 2)

// With love @kouqhar

Remove first and last letter of string

// Remove first and last letter of string

fn main() {
let text = "Hello, world";

// remove last letter
let mut text = text.split_at(text.len() - 1);

// remove first letter
text = text.0.split_at(1);

println!("{}", text.1);

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