

some method in js

// What is someMethod in js?

// Ans: Some method help us to get know about that anything is available in our array or not..

// ========================

// Example
const userCart = [
  { producdId: 1, producdPrice: 355 },
  { producdId: 2, producdPrice: 5355 },
  { producdId: 3, producdPrice: 34 },
  { producdId: 4, producdPrice: 3535 },

// ========================

// So here is my array and I want to check prices I want to check that is there is a product that is greater than 10000.

// ========================

console.log(userCart.some((e) => e.producdPrice > 10000));

// So it'll return false as we know..

// ========================

const userCart_2 = [
    { producdId: 1, producdPrice: 355 },
    { producdId: 2, producdPrice: 5355 },
    { producdId: 3, producdPrice: 34 },
    { producdId: 4, producdPrice: 3535 },
{ producdId: 4, producdPrice: 15000 },

// And it'll return true because in this one I put the product that price is greater than 10000

// ========= The End =========

some method javascript

//.some method accepts a callback function as an argument. If this 
// function returns true for at least one element, the whole method 
// returns true; otherwise it returns false.

const cities = [
  "New York",
  "Los Angeles",

const findLargeCity = (element) => {
  return element === "New York" || element === "Los Angeles";

// Expected output is true

javascript some

const age= [2,7,12,17,21];

return person > 18;}); //true

const age= [2,7,12,17,21];
age.some((person)=> person>18); //true

js some

// Use method "some" to loop through array elements and see if there are any matching ones
const array = [{ name: 'Dharmesh', gender: 'male' }, { name: 'Priti', gender: 'female' }];
const hasFemaleContender = array.some(({ gender }) => gender === 'female');

javascript some method

It just checks the array,
for the condition you gave,
if atleast one element in the array passes the condition
then it returns true
else it returns false

javascript some

const fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'mango', 'guava'];

function checkAvailability(arr, val) {
  return arr.some(function(arrVal) {
    return val === arrVal;

checkAvailability(fruits, 'kela');   // false
checkAvailability(fruits, 'banana'); // true

js some

movies.some(movie => movie.year > 2015)
// Say true if in movie.year only one (or more) items are greater than 2015
// Say false if no items have the requirement (like and operator)

some in js

    candles.some((candle) => {if(candle !== maxValue) return; howMany+=1;})

some js

[2, 5, 8, 1, 4].some(isBiggerThan10);  // false
[12, 5, 8, 1, 4].some(isBiggerThan10); // true

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Source link
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