javascript string contains
var string = "foo" ,
substring = "oo" ;
console . log ( string. includes ( substring) ) ;
javascript string includes
'Blue Whale' . includes ( 'blue' )
js string contains
'Bandeira do Brasil' . includes ( 'brasil' ) ;
'Bandeira do Brasil' . includes ( 'Brasil' ) ;
javascript string contains function
s = "Hello world" ;
console . log ( s. includes ( "world" ) ) ;
contains() js
const ParticipantsOfArtExhibition = [
"Jhon" ,
"Amy" ,
ParticipantsOfArtExhibition . includes ( "Jhon" )
ParticipantsOfArtExhibition . includes ( "Thompson" )
ParticipantsOfArtExhibition . includes ( "Amy" )
javascript string contains
var email = "" ;
if ( email. includes ( "@" ) ) {
console . log ( "Email is valid" ) ;
else {
console . log ( "Email is not valid" ) ;
string.contains javascript
var str = "We got a poop cleanup on isle 4." ;
if ( str. indexOf ( "poop" ) !== - 1 ) {
alert ( "Not again" ) ;
javascript string includes
const s = 'I am going to become a FULL STACK JS Dev with Coderslang' ;
console . log ( s. includes ( 'FULL STACK' ) ) ;
console . log ( s. includes ( 'cheeseburger' ) ) ;
string contains javascript
const s1 = 'javascript' ;
const s2 = 'python' ;
console . log ( s1. includes ( 'script' ) ) ;
console . log ( s2. includes ( 'script' ) ) ;
javascript string contains
var string = "foo" ,
var substring = "oo" ;
console . log ( string. includes ( substring) ) ;
javascript string.includes
Array . includes ( foo)
String . contains ( bar)
javascript string contains
var string = "foo" ,
substring = "oo" ;
console . log ( string. includes ( substring) ) ;
var str = "We got a poop cleanup on isle 4." ;
if ( str. indexOf ( "poop" ) !== - 1 ) {
alert ( "Not again" ) ;
var email = "" ;
if ( email. includes ( "@" ) ) {
console . log ( "Email is valid" ) ;
else {
console . log ( "Email is not valid" ) ;
const ParticipantsOfArtExhibition = [
"Jhon" ,
"Amy" ,
ParticipantsOfArtExhibition . includes ( "Jhon" )
ParticipantsOfArtExhibition . includes ( "Thompson" )
ParticipantsOfArtExhibition . includes ( "Amy" )
String contains in javascript
let text = "Hello world, welcome to the universe." ;
let result = text. includes ( "world" ) ;
javascript string contains
function longestString ( ) {
var longest = ' ' ;
for ( var i= 0 ; i < arguments. length ; i++ ) {
if ( arguments[ i] . length > longest. length ) {
longest = arguments[ i] ;
return longest;
console . log ( longestString ( "asda" , "asdasdasd" , "12311" , "akjsdgkjagsdkjagkjdgkajsgdkjas" ) ) ;
js contains
var string = "foo" ,
substring = "oo" ;
console . log ( string. includes ( substring) ) ;
string contains js
var str = "foobar"
var regex = / foo / g ;
if ( str. search ( regex) !== - 1 ) {
alert ( "string conains foo!" )
javascript string contains
const string = "foo" ,
const substring = "oo" ;
console . log ( string. includes ( substring) ) ;
js string contains
let example = "Example String!" ;
let ourSubstring = "Example" ;
if ( example. indexOf ( ourSubstring) != 0 ) {
console . log ( "The word Example is in the string." ) ;
} else {
console . log ( "The word Example is not in the string." ) ;
js string contains
let example = "Example String!" ;
let ourSubstring = "Example" ;
if ( str. includes ( ourSubstring, 7 ) ) {
console . log ( "The word Example is in the string." ) ;
} else {
console . log ( "The word Example is not in the string" ) ;
js string contains
let str = "Example String!" ;
/ Example / . test ( str) ;
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