A powerful ide that can be used to program in most of the popular languages.You can use it forHTML,CSS,JavaScript,PHP,Python,C++,VisualBasic,C#
and probably many other that i didn't mention
Theory is when you know everything but nothing works.Practice is when everything works but no one knows why.In programming, practice and theory are combined.Nothing works and nobody knows why.
// hide explorer arrows// only works on material icons theme// Put this json code in setting json you are done!{"material-icon-theme.hidesExplorerArrows":true,// this hide arrows"workbench.iconTheme":"material-icon-theme"// Make sure it says this.}// happy programming
VisualStudioCode is definitely the tool you may want to consider if you use
products such asAtom,SublimeText and so on.As a lot of people is using it,
you will probably find someone supporting you incase you need help.Microsoft also does offer a lot of documentation and support channels.If you're still not using this, consider doing the switch now!DownloadVisualStudioCode: https://code.visualstudio.com/download
Documentation: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs
VisualStudio code is a free computer program editor made by Microsoft and runs
on all platforms like Windows,Linus and macOS.It includes debbuging your code,
different versions of your code and is basically one of the best programming
softwares in the world.
VisualStudioCode is a lightweight but powerful source code editor
which runs on your desktop and is available forWindows, macOS and Linux.It comes with built-in support forJavaScript,TypeScript and Node.js and has a rich
ecosystem of extensions for other
languages(such asC++,C#,Java,Python,PHP,Go)
and runtimes(such as.NET and Unity).#Installationhttps://code.visualstudio.com/
sudo dpkg -i #<filename.deb>
VisualStudioCode is a code editor not a IDE, so if your newto coding
please install an IDE.Otherwise enjoy the auto completion and plugin that
make this editor good.
I am a great programmer and I use visual studio code
It works like this:print("I like visual studio code")
choice =input("Do you like visual code? ")if choice =="yes":print("You are going to have a good life")else:print("You are not a good programmer")