

vuejs jitsi

//add this script <script src=''></script> 
//to your index.template.html
//save this in file like VueJitsiMeet.vue and it will work out of the box


    <div class="absolute-center">
      <div id="meet"></div>


import { defineComponent } from "vue";
import { useRoute } from "vue-router";

export default defineComponent({
  name: "VueMeetPage",
  setup() {
    const $route = useRoute()
  mounted() {
    const domain = "";
    const options = {
      roomName: "SomeRandomRoomName",
      width: 700,
      height: 700,
      parentNode: document.querySelector("#meet"),

    const api = new JitsiMeetExternalAPI(domain, options);
    setTimeout(() => {
      // why timeout: I got some trouble calling event listeners without setting a timeout :)

      // when local user is trying to enter in a locked room 
      api.addEventListener('passwordRequired', () => {
        api.executeCommand('password', "yourRoomPass");

      // when local user has joined the video conference 
      api.addEventListener('videoConferenceJoined', (response) => {
        api.executeCommand('password', "yourRoomPass");

    }, 10);


Code Example
Javascript :: merge json data in main.go in golang 
Javascript :: is enabled 
Javascript :: Nested Data Structures 
Javascript :: Parents, Children & Siblings 
Javascript :: reset default style javascript 
Javascript :: nodejs express mongodb boilerplate 
Javascript :: //testing 
Javascript :: discord-buttons collector 
Javascript :: axios xmlhttpReq 
Javascript :: loop through async javascript -IMP 
Javascript :: jshack130mhrl 
Javascript :: rendering component in route with properties 
Javascript :: normalizedList.flatMap is not a function vue draggable 
Javascript :: Discord.js v12 member voiceChannel 
Javascript :: react native charts style gradiant 
Javascript :: react Update a label when rate moves 
Javascript :: create elements 
Javascript :: makestyle server side rendering 
Javascript :: axios check if call is already running 
Javascript :: yup password match 
Javascript :: how to run the counter when we reach at a specific section in jquery 
Javascript :: geojson polygon mongoose 
Javascript :: rxjs fromevent mouseover 
Javascript :: convert string or string array to object mongoose object id 
Javascript :: how to check if jquery element is loaded 
Javascript :: how to trigger on Blur only when clicked outside parent component and not child component in react js 
Javascript :: AjaxGet 
Javascript :: javascript is a compiled language 
Javascript :: array explode fetch checkboxes 
Javascript :: tab change hash 
Source link
2+8 =