const varName = 'this variable';
//What you can do is hook the console.log function so that you store when it logs :
console.stdlog = console.log.bind(console);
console.logs = [];
console.log = function(){
console.stdlog.apply(console, arguments);
console.log('message1' + ' - ' + 'message2')
console.log('log-message'); // Outputs a normal information log to the console window
console.warn('warn-message'); // Outputs warning in the console window
console.error('error-message'); // Outputs error in the console window
console.table('table-message'); // Outputs a table of all the object properties
var str = "Howdy GeeksforGeeks"
var geek = {
book: "harrypotter",
price: "2000"
var geek2 = [10, 20, 30];
console.log("geek (log) = ", geek);
console.log("geek2 (log) = ", geek2);
// Prints only string as dir() takes
// only one parameter.
console.dir("geek2 (dir) = ", geek2);
// our string
let string = 'ABCDEFG';
// splits every letter in string into an item in our array
let newArray = string.split('');
this is the console
console.log("Text"); //Shows some text in the console.
console.warn("Warning!"); //Displays a Warning in the console
console.error("Error!"); //Displays an Error in the console.
//Example (On Value Displays)
var Value = 69;
console.log(Value); //Displays '69' in the console.
console.log("The Value Is " + Value + "!"); //Displays 'The Value Is 69!' in the console.
command K = clears the console
command shift M = toggle device toolbar
command shift C = select something on the page
you can also log in a variable you may have coded:
[value of x at that moment]
if you're animating something:
[stops the animation]
[continues the animation]
you can also code somewhat intricate text:
for (var i = 0; i > 10; i++) {
console.log([variable or anything]);
some functions are also available to use:
function mousePressed() {
function keyPressed() {
noLoop(); [or anything else]
The Console can be used to log information as part of the JavaScript development process, as well as allow you to interact with a web page by carrying out JavaScript expressions within the page's context. Essentially, the Console provides you with the ability to write, manage, and monitor JavaScript on demand