#in you cmd type this command
npm i dotenv
#and then require it in you javascript using :
// Terminal/CMD
npm i dotenv
//In .env file
SPECIAL_KEY = 0000000 //whatever the key
//In nodejs file - 2 point usage
//1 - initialisation
//2 - using the special key
const specialKey = process.env.SPECIAL_KEY
// when yours .env is in other place then default, you can set path to it
const path = require('path')
require('dotenv').config({ path: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../.env') }); //use as many '../' as you need
const config = require('dotenv-config')();
console.log(config.test); // localhost
module.exports = config;
yarn add -D dotenv
//inside file import package
This is used to add a specific path to locate the .env file if we use like this
.config() then this is finding .env file in our cwd - current working directory.
require('dotenv').config({ path: '/custom/path/to/.env' })
this module is used to access environment variable in our application
dotenv file use