

what is reactjs

React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for
building user interfaces or UI components. It lets you compose complex UIs
from small and isolated pieces of code called “components”.

It is used by large, established companies and newly-minted startups 
alike (Netflix, Airbnb, Instagram, and the New York Times, to name a few). 
React brings many advantages to the table, making it a better choice 
than other frameworks like Angular.js.

what is react

This is a formatted version of Komadori's answer 
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. 
It is maintained by Facebook and a community of 
individual developers and companies. 
React can be used as a base in the development of single-page 
or mobile applications.

what is react js

React is a free and open-source front-end 
JavaScript library for building user 
interfaces based on UI components. It is 
maintained by Meta and a community of individual 
developers and companies

Code Example
Javascript :: js comments 
Javascript :: js date in arabic 
Javascript :: convert int to string in angular 
Javascript :: string substring last 3 and first character 
Javascript :: datatable bootstrap cllick on specific button 
Javascript :: splice from array javascript to remove 
Javascript :: jquery if is visible 
Javascript :: jquery append after number of chars in string 
Javascript :: super class js 
Javascript :: get bytes from string javascript 
Javascript :: Conditionally pass props to react component 
Javascript :: js reverse a number 
Javascript :: how to import json data from a local file 
Javascript :: js object sort 
Javascript :: js convert order to char 
Javascript :: next js redirect if not logged in 
Javascript :: react icon import 
Javascript :: animated typing js 
Javascript :: name arrow function 
Javascript :: react native run real device 
Javascript :: js key down 
Javascript :: createelement add class 
Javascript :: how to do an isogram in javascript 
Javascript :: detect if overflow javascript 
Javascript :: redux saga fetch data using axios 
Javascript :: yup validation based on another field value 
Javascript :: javascript trigger keypress 
Javascript :: event.propagation not working 
Javascript :: Javascript object convert into JSON 
Javascript :: how to delete object properties in javascript 
Source link
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