import React, { useState, Component } from 'react';
import { FaFacebookF, FaInstagram, FaTwitter, FaLinkedinIn } from "react-icons/fa";
import './navbar.css';
import { GiHamburgerMenu } from "react-icons/gi";
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';
import Logo from '../images/Logo.png';
It's just a tool to make it easier for you to use it! If you are
interested in using React without JSX you can check out the docs. ...
createElement calls, you can see where React is used. If you forget to
import React, it will be undefined and the createElement call will fail.
Q. Why we import React from 'react'?
Ans: When you are trying to use jsx in your javascript file your normal compiler as well as
even babel could not understand it. Although normal compiler never understand it. But anyhow
you want to say your compiler I am providing you a jsx in the file.