


Looks like the new warning in PHP 7.1

Probably you have an empty SESSION_LIFETIME in the .env which cause this 
warning by calling the addRealUnit($unit, $value = 1) with the $value = ""

Solution: Update the .env and set a value to SESSION_LIFETIME or remove the 
SESSION_LIFETIME and the problem should be solved.

Code Example
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Php :: php check how long a function took to exexute 
Php :: filter data in wordpress 
Php :: php form validation and submit to database 
Php :: Display out of stock products last (even after sort) - Woocommerce 
Php :: cmd download file from url 
Php :: same title 2 gigs are allowed in fiverr 
Php :: SET DEFAULT hide title astra wordpress 
Php :: how to refresh a php variable without reloading page 
Php :: laravel orm latest() 
Php :: recuperar dados de um objeto em outra página herança php 
Php :: PHP SSRF Wrapper/URL Schema 
Php :: laravel ignition dark mode 
Php :: array inserted in laravel 
Php :: retrieve the order Id on Order pay page 
Php :: codecept run single test 
Php :: page preview changes in wordpress in custom post type 
Php :: SELECT * FROM `phptrip` WHERE `dest`=`BIHAR` LIMIT 0, 25 
Php :: auto complete order paid1 
Php :: get first cat php wp 
Php :: wc php order view order link 
Php :: laravel eloquent query with orderBy subquery 
Php :: validations php or js 
Php :: how to access session value passed to sub domain 
Php :: How to list notification from database 
Php :: how to validate students who made payment in php and mysql 
Source link
2+3 =