

create model controller migration factory laravel in one command

# to make only Model Class
php artisan make:model Customer

# to make resource controller
php artisan make:controller CustomersController --resource

# make controller for already existing Model Class (binded to model)
php artisan make:controller CustomersController --model=Customer

# to make  model, migration and controller and factory all in one command
php artisan make:model Modelname -crmf

Code Example
Php :: wp get term link 
Php :: change php version linux nginx 
Php :: cut string in php 
Php :: laravel debugbar false not working 
Php :: php reindex array after unset 
Php :: php ping time 
Php :: save html form data to text file using php 
Php :: pause php 
Php :: echo first 100 prime numbers php 
Php :: how to get length of object in php 
Php :: for install perticular version in vue with laravel 
Php :: mobile no validation laravel 
Php :: apache htaccess read from /public 
Php :: phpspreadsheet setcellvalue row background color 
Php :: make a seeding file in laravel 
Php :: object to array in php 
Php :: get logged in user name yii2 
Php :: php color echo 
Php :: array merge php 
Php :: run php server mac 
Php :: php code to hide plugin update for wordpress 
Php :: php add year to date 
Php :: php debug telegram bot 
Php :: laravel migration on delete set null 
Php :: extract all arrays from sql response in php 
Php :: how to update all row in laravel 
Php :: foreign key nullable in laravel 
Php :: how to get the values of other fields in acf validate values 
Php :: checks input if number only in php 
Php :: PHP Fatal error: Constructor test::test() cannot declare a return type in /home/iBMCb9/prog.php on line 6 
Source link
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