

disable laravel passport

You can remove passport by manually deleting this line "laravel/passport": "^4.0" 
in your composer.json file then run composer update. Or composer remove laravel/passport

If you're running Laravel 5.4 or below, make sure to remove this line in 
your app.config file LaravelPassportPassportServiceProvider::class

And all classes that relies on passport must be edited as well. 
The most common classes are:

1) User model, remove the HasApiToken trait.
2) AuthServiceProvider, remove Passport::routes(); in your boot method.
3) Your config/auth.php, change your driver option for api authentication

php artisan migrate:refresh run at the end of step. 
To remove the Passport Migrations in database migrations table. 
but please be careful in you are in production.

With Laravel 7

Step 1. In the file app/Providers/AuthServiceProvider.php, remove these two lines:

use LaravelPassportPassport;
Step 2.

$ composer remove laravel/passport
$ rm -r ./resources/js/components/passport # if any
$ rm -r ./resources/views/vendor/passport # if any
Step 3. In the file resources/js/app.js, remove passport components registration. You may also find and remove these registered components if you used it somewhere:

$ grep -rn 'passport-authorized-clients'     resources/js/*
$ grep -rn 'passport-personal-access-tokens' resources/js/*
$ grep -rn 'passport-clients'                resources/js/*
Step 4. Find and remove HasApiTokens from your models:

$ grep -rn HasApiTokens * 
Remove also the import line going with it:

use LaravelPassportHasApiTokens;
Step 5. Remove oauth keys

$ rm storage/oauth-*.key
Step 6. In the file config/auth.php, look for guards:api:driver and revert from passport to token.

Step 7. Drop Passport tables and clean migration table

$ php artisan tinker
>>> Schema::drop('oauth_access_tokens');
>>> Schema::drop('oauth_auth_codes');
>>> Schema::drop('oauth_clients');
>>> Schema::drop('oauth_personal_access_clients');
>>> Schema::drop('oauth_refresh_tokens');
>>> DB::table('migrations')->where('migration', 'like', '%_oauth_access_tokens_table')->delete();
>>> DB::table('migrations')->where('migration', 'like', '%_oauth_auth_codes_table')->delete();
>>> DB::table('migrations')->where('migration', 'like', '%_oauth_clients_table')->delete();
>>> DB::table('migrations')->where('migration', 'like', '%_oauth_personal_access_clients_table')->delete();
>>> DB::table('migrations')->where('migration', 'like', '%_oauth_refresh_tokens_table')->delete();
>>> exit

Step 8. And finally, refresh your installation:

$ composer dump-autoload
$ php artisan optimize:clear
$ npm run dev

Code Example
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Source link
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