

drupal 9 custom access checking for routes


namespace DrupalmymodAccess;

use DrupalCoreRoutingAccessAccessInterface;
use DrupalCoreAccessAccessResult;
use DrupalmymodStoreService;

class CardEditAccessChecker implements AccessInterface {
  // injected StoreService
  private $ss = NULL;
  public function __construct(StoreService $ss) {
    $this->ss = $ss;
  public function access($product_id) {
    // marketplace manager can edit all...
    if ($this->ss->isMarketPlaceManager()) {
      return AccessResult::allowed();
    // product owner can edit...
    if ($this->ss->ownsProduct($product_id)) {
      return AccessResult::allowed();
    return AccessResult::forbidden();

Code Example
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Source link
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