

how to write php in javascript file

$abc = "Abc";
$number = 052;
$mydata = array("val1","val2","val3");
<script type="text/javascript">
var abc = '<?php echo $abc?>';
var number = '<?php echo $number ?>';
var mydata = <?php echo json_encode($mydata); ?>;
After use it directly in your js file wherever you want to use.


function test(){
   alert('Print php variable : '+ abc +', '+number); 

function printArrVar(){
  alert('print php array variable : '+ JSON.stringify(mydata)); 

Beside If you have any critical data which you don't want to show publicly then you can encrypt data with js. and also get original value of it's from js so no one can get it's original value. if they show into publicly.

this is the standard way you can call php script data into js file without including js into php code or php script into js.

javascript inside php

    function fonctionJavaScript(){

how to write javascript inside php

//this is my code 

you can add javascript to your code by using the echo statement and rap all 
your javascript between "" and if there is "" in the javascript code
then add  before any "", and for the php inside rap it with ''
  echo "<script>document.write("hello world")</script>"
//other example

  $a = 5;
  echo "<script>document.write('$a')</script>"

//other example
$TokenData = Auth::user();

echo "<script type="text/javascript">
             localStorage.setItem("id", '$TokenData->id');
             localStorage.setItem("name", '$TokenData->name');
             localStorage.setItem("email", '$TokenData->email');
      </script> ";

write php in javascript

<script type="text/javascript">
	var myString = '<?php echo 1+1; ?>';

Code Example
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Source link
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