

php if

if ($a > $b) {
  echo "a is bigger than b";
  $b = $a;


if condition in php

easy way to execute conditional html / javascript / css / other language code with php if else:

<?php if (condition): ?>

html code to run if condition is true

<?php else: ?>

html code to run if condition is false

<?php endif ?>


If statement PHP

  The Syntax for the if statement is:
  if (condition) {
  code to be executed if condition is true;
  The condition must be in paranthesis
  If else:
  if (condition) {
  code to be executed if condition is true;
  } else {
  code to be executed if condition is false;

  If... elsif... else:
  if (condition) {
  code to be executed if this condition is true;
  } elseif (condition) {
  code to be executed if first condition is false and this condition is true;
  } else {
  code to be executed if all conditions are false;
  $t = date("H");

  if ($t < "10") {
  echo "Have a good morning!";
  } elseif ($t < "20") {
  echo "Have a good day!";
  } else {
  echo "Have a good night!";

if php

$customer->user->fullName ?? ''

$customer->user->fullName ? $customer->user->fullName : ''
isset($customer->user->fullName) ? $customer->user->fullName : ''

php if condition

if(mysqli_num_rows($query_run) > 0)
      //$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
      //$sheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();

      while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query_run)){


        // echo  $row['hall'] ;
        // echo  $row['regno'] ;
        // echo  $row['session'] ;
        $sheet->setCellValue('A'.$count, $row['hall']);
        $sheet->setCellValue('B'.$count, $row['regno']);
        $sheet->setCellValue('C'.$count, $row['session']);
        $sheet->setCellValue('D'.$count, $row['classroll']);
        $sheet->setCellValue('E'.$count, $row['examroll']);
        $sheet->setCellValue('F'.$count, $row['name']);


Code Example
Php :: php //input 
Php :: tag php 
Php :: php read excel file 
Php :: Laravel - multiple select query 
Php :: What’s New in PHP 8 
Php :: php ?? vs ?: 
Php :: php print number 
Php :: laravel env in js 
Php :: eloquent relationships 
Php :: php reverse string 
Php :: Array (key and value) 
Php :: a non well formed numeric value encountered laravel 
Php :: Merging Two Laravel Collections keeping the original keys 
Php :: Alternatives to chmod 775 or 664 
Php :: Use the DebugBar like an array where keys are the collector names 
Php :: PHP Warning: Module "curl" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0 
Php :: google sheets to php equation 
Php :: enableQueryLog 
Php :: extract date from DateTime object php 
Php :: count vs sizeof php 
Php :: Éviter le spam de commentaires 
Php :: html add div around certain iframe php 
Php :: phpmyadmin timedeconnexion : a placer tt en bas dans "" 
Php :: php code to display a div with background fade 
Php :: how to fix Undefined variable: product (View: C:xampphtdocsecommerce esourcesviewslivewireshop-component.blade.php) 
Php :: visual studio php dollar sign double click 
Php :: cache.backend.null 
Php :: create json file in php and write n php 
Php :: Yii2 hasMany relation additional condition 
Php :: @sectionMissing 
Source link
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