

laravel deployment

composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev

Laravel Deploy in production

set -e
echo "Deploying application ..."
# Enter maintenance mode
(php artisan down --message 'The app is being (quickly!) updated. Please try again in a minute.') || true
    # Update codebase
    git fetch origin deploy
    git reset --hard origin/deploy
    # Install dependencies based on lock file
    composer install --no-interaction --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader
    # Migrate database
    php artisan migrate --force
    # Note: If you're using queue workers, this is the place to restart them.
    # ...
    # Clear cache
    php artisan optimize
    # Reload PHP to update opcache
    echo "" | sudo -S service php7.4-fpm reload
# Exit maintenance mode
php artisan up
echo "Application deployed!"

Code Example
Php :: delete record php mysqli 
Php :: laravel s3 presigned url 
Php :: difference between two timestamps php 
Php :: how handle the number with k in laravel balde 
Php :: PHP Fatal error: Constructor test::test() cannot declare a return type in /home/iBMCb9/prog.php on line 6 
Php :: terug tellende for loop php 
Php :: blade capitalize first letter 
Php :: php loop through months 
Php :: the requested php extension ext-intl * is missing from your system ubuntu 
Php :: console.log in php 
Php :: php text Cyrillic check 
Php :: pathtophp in ubuntu lampp in moodle 
Php :: php string contains string 
Php :: how to catch query exception in laravel 8 
Php :: send email when form is submitted php 
Php :: php hide decimals if zero 
Php :: count in string php 
Php :: how to print all session variables in php 
Php :: laravel login by id 
Php :: php number to month 
Php :: access config variable in codeigniter controller 
Php :: copy env example to .env in laravel 
Php :: link to another page php 
Php :: php current date get 
Php :: php if post exists 
Php :: operador in laravel 
Php :: php how to rename a file before saving it 
Php :: push element at tart of arrray php 
Php :: tolower php 
Php :: laravel middleware check if user is logged in 
Source link
7+7 =